Sunday, September 19, 2010

At the moment we have been learing about slipery science for science challenge. We made flubber slime which is a mixture of pva glue and borax/water. We all so made cornflour slime which is a mixture of cornflour and water which makes a solid when you put pressure on it.
We are currlently learning what the viscosity of products are,
water has low viscosity and it flows easily
honey is viscious and is high in viscosity, it flows slowly.
A non-Newtonian fluid is when pressure is applied to a product it changes its viscosity. Max and James

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tia and Mikayla's Science Fair

For science fair

Tia did her science fair on "Is the grass greener".
Mikayla did her science fair on "What do you do with your old toothbrushes".

For speeches

Tia did hers on her Dad because he was in the army.
Mikayla did hers on her role model Sarah Walker, she is her role model because she likes BMX biking!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

science fair

This is Matthew's science fair project, he is one of the many people going down to Timaru to get judged on his project.